ANSWER OR ENUMERATE: 1. Enumerate four dishes you can make. 2. Enumerate four ways of cooking vegetables. 3. Is food a pleasure to you? Why (not)? 4. What are the youngest children usually like(siblings). 5. Are you an only/middle/oldest/youngest child? How do you feel about it? 6. Do you save money? Why (not)? 7. Write …
Category Archives: Angleščina
Mental illnesses
What is mental illness? A mental illness is a medical condition that disrupts a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others and daily functioning. Just as diabetes is a disorder of the pancreas, mental illnesses are medical conditions that often result in a diminished capacity for coping with the ordinary demands of life. …
Nutrition and obesity
Scrub up – vocabulary. How many of these foods can you name? Use the words given below. LAMB CHOPS, BROCCOLI, SOY SAUCE, OLIVES, MUSHROOMS, BEANS, EGGS, LENTILS, PASTA NOODLES, BEAN SPROUTS, TOFU, TUNA, STEAK Exercise 2 Translations of the given expressions Protein – protein Carbohydrate – ogljikov hidrat Dairy products – mlečni izdelki Pulse – …
Vprašanja za poklicno maturo angleščina
The oral part consists of three questions. Two of the questions refer to the topics listed below, and you will also have to react appropriately in different situations, also listed below. You will be asked to describe a picture or you will have to talk or make any comments about the text. All pictures/texts …
Vaja za angleščino
These people are talking about their experiences. Complete the spaces with suitable words. First letters are given. David When I was playing football, I broke my ankle and was carried off the pitch on a S______________. I was taken to C______________________, where the doctor put a P_____________ cast on my leg. For the next two …