The oral part consists of three questions. Two of the questions refer to the topics listed below, and you will also have to react appropriately in different situations, also listed below. You will be asked to describe a picture or you will have to talk or make any comments about the text. All pictures/texts …
Tag Archives: srednja zdravstvena
Javno zdravje in epidemiologija
1. Razvoj javnega zdravja: obdobje sanitarnega javnega zdravja (1840 – 1900)! – Predhodniki: I. L. Danilevsky (1784): »Moč oblasti je najboljši zdravnik.« J. P. Franck (1786): »Medizinische Polizei«: Varovanje zdravja pomeni dolžnost države, ki mora urediti življenje tako, da to ne škodi zdravju prebivalstva. Nj. Svetl. Princ G. A. Potemkin: »Sicer pa je najbolje, da …