Vprašanja za poklicno maturo angleščina

The oral part consists of three questions. Two of the questions refer to the topics listed below, and you will also have to react appropriately in different situations, also listed below.


You will be asked to describe a picture or you will have to talk or make any comments about the text. All pictures/texts will refer to the topics we discussed at school. You should be able to use the vocabulary connected with them, add your own opinions and personal experience. The teacher will also ask you some questions (mostly wh- questions) which will refer to the topic discussed.



  1. Present yourself
    (your name, surname, character, appearance, family background, your weekdays and weekends, your hobbies, your future plans, …)
  2. Describe a person you admire of find interesting
    (a relative, a friend, a singer, a film star, a sportsman or sportswoman,…; description of character, physical appearance, his / her profession, reasons for admiring him /her)
  3. Jobs / Hospital team
    (people who work in the field of medicine, qualities and qualifications you need to be a medical worker, advantages and disadvantages of being a medical worker, your opinion about other jobs, etc.)
  4. Sports

(your favourite sports, their characteristics, equipment needed, their influence on health, how often you play sports, where you do it)

  1. Art, music and literature
    (your attitude towards art, music, literature, theatre and cinema, how often you go to galleries, museums, concerts, theatre, cinema,…, your favourite artist / musician / writer / actor / actress…)
  2. Holidays
    (how you usually spend your holidays, where, who with, how you get there, where you stay, what you do there, …)
  3. Money
    (your attitude towards money, advantages and disadvantages of being rich)
  4. Obsessions and addictions
    (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, pills, work, food, mobile phones, the internet and other addictions and obsessions; why people get addicted, consequences, how to help)
  5. Describe your favourite book or film and explain why you liked it
  6. Relationships and families
    (different types of relationships: parents – children, brothers – sisters, other relatives, friends, work colleagues, partners, types of families)
  7. Presenting Slovenia
    (the Slovene language, country, people, their habits and customs)
  8. Florence Nightingale
    (childhood, growing up, her career, Crimean War, life and work after the war, importance)
  9. At the doctor’s
    (what doctors do, what nurses do, what patients are asked to do)
  10. Taking a patient’s history
    (taking a family history, a drug history, a social history, and a medical history)
  11. Giving instructions to patients
    (requests made to patients by doctors and nurses)
  12. Admission to hospital
    (way in which patients can be admitted to hospital, describing the admission procedure)
  13. Patient record
    (questions asked to get personal details from a patient, recording patient information)
  14. Symptoms
    (describing symptoms, asking about symptoms)
  15. Common illnesses and conditions
    (description of illnesses and conditions)
  16. Flu
    (symptoms, what you should do when you have flu, how to avoid getting it, vaccination)
  17. First aid
    describing first aid procedures – how to deal with blisters, burns, severe bleeding, heart attack, stroke, choking, shock)
  18. Aspirin
    ( good sides of taking aspirin, side effects, when and how often to take it, other painkillers)
  19. Giving birth
    (how to help with a birth, where births take place – usual and unusual places)
  20. Nutrition and obesity
    (nutritional value of different foods, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients, balanced diet and fast food)
  21. Diabetes
    (what you know about the illness – types of diabetes, how patients should live)
  22. Eating disorders
    (anorexia, bulimia, obesity, pica, orthorexia)
  23. Parts of the body
  24. People in hospital
    ( name different medical professionals, explain what they do)
  25. Places in hospital
    (name different places in hospital, say what happens there)
  26. Things on the ward
    (name medical equipment in a hospital room)
  27. Medical equipment
    (what medical equipment is used by doctors, nurses and patients)
  28. Death and dying
    (palliative or hospice care, breaking bad news)
  29. Hygiene
    (the importance of hygiene, problems connected to bad hygiene, people in hospitals responsible for ward hygiene)
  30. Monitoring the patient

(what functions are monitored in hospitals and what equipment is used for this)

  1. Medication
    (types of medication, different ways of administering drugs)
  2. Pain
    (definition of pain, description of pain, how to asses pain, making a summary about pain, types of pain)
  3. Alternative treatment
    (talking about conventional medicine and alternative medicine)





  1. Giving opinions
  2. Agreeing
  3. Disagreeing
  4. Complaining
  5. Expressing requests (asking for help, asking for information,…)
  6. Expressing offers (offering help,…)
  7. Making suggestions
  8. Inviting
  9. Accepting offers, suggestions, invitations
  10. Declining offers suggestions, invitations
  11. Giving advice
  12. Talking on the telephone
  13. Leaving a message on an answer phone
  14. Apologising
  15. Saying thank you
  16. Showing sympathy
  17. Responding to sympathies
  18. Congratulating
  19. Responding to congratulations
  20. Expressing exclamations
  21. Expressing interest and surprise
  22. Expressing emotions (enthusiasm, (dis)satisfaction, compassion, disappointment..)
  23. Saying dates, numbers (phone numbers, prices, percentages)
  24. Expressing decisions
  25. Expressing probability, possibility, uncertainty, doubt (modal verbs)
  26. Expressing rules
  27. Expressing obligation
  28. Expressing prohibition
  29. Asking for permission
  30. Giving permission
  31. Expressing ability / inability
  32. Giving reasons
  33. Asking for directions
  34. Giving directions
  35. Giving instructions
  36. Being polite
  37. Introducing (yourself and other people)
  38. Answering an introduction
  39. Greeting people
  40. Attracting someone’s attention (Excuse me…)
  41. Asking how someone is
  42. Saying how you give warnings
  43. Identifying and describing people, objects, places
  44. Reporting about personal experiences, events, fairs, meetings at work, texts you have read…
  45. Making a summary (pain, admission)
  46. Filling in forms – patient history, pain history
  47. Question formation

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